Coming up in 2025
22 Jul
"Northern Adelaide Waste Management" (NAWMA) with guest speaker Alison Roush.
No Meeting then ‘My Trip to Norfolk Island’ Speakers club members Denise Kelsey & Janice Evans
"Cacti & Succulents" with guest presenter Angela McGoran
27 May
Mawson Lakes Garden Club
Mawson Lakes Garden Club is open to all and created to share and improve the knowledge of plants and the environment as well as to organise social events and fun filled activities. A club for anyone interested in gardens or gardening.
What do we do?
Garden Club Supporters
25 Mar
"Terrariums" with guest presenter Nicole Dykes from Planted by Nicole, Garden Tce. Mawson Lakes.
22 Apr
"Carnivorous Plants" with guest presenter Nick Collins from Australian Carnivorous Plant Society.
Mawson Lakes Hotel
10 Main Street Mawson Lakes
p. 8360 3500

Real Plus Accounting Pty Ltd
Office 4, 19-21 Metro Parade, Mawson Lakes
Darko Kulesko p. 8359 0888, Mob: 0403 314 498

The City of Salisbury

34 Church Street, Salisbury SA 5108
p. 08 8406 8222
e. city@salisbury.sa.gov.au
w. https://www.salisbury.sa.gov.au

Learn lots about gardens and gardening from interesting speakers. Topics have included roses, fruit trees, gardens of South Africa and much more….
Have biennial bus trips to interesting gardens e.g. a frog garden, an Open Garden Scheme entrant, a garden in Stirling, even a winery or two!
Have a lot of fun!
Not a Member
It doesn't matter, we welcome everyone that is interested in gardening. For a $2 entrance fee come as a guest to our meetings. Find out what we are about and decide if you would like to join, it's only $25 a year.
City of Salisbury Logo
24 Jun
"Native Orchids" with guest presenter Lindy McCullen from the Native Orchid Society of SA.